// "Silver chalenge" from page 102 of "Swift Programing" by
// The challenge is to move arrays into a dictionary and print
// the zipcodes.
// Coty Millers "solution" - 26Aug17
// Run in Xcode 8+ playground, target as MacOS
let OhioCountyNames: [String] = ["Monroe", "Noble", "Washington"]
let OhioZipCodes: [Int] = [43915, 43724, 45750]
var Dict0 = [String:Int]() // create New Dictionary.
for i in 0...OhioCountyNames.count-1 // -1 is needed because count gives
// litteral count of array, 0 being that
//the array is empty, thus for will try
//and move 4 arrays instead of 3.
Dict0[OhioCountyNames[i]] = OhioZipCodes[i]
print("Ohio has some zip codes. ")
// For loop to print unwrapped values...
var i = 0
for (key,value) in Dict0{