#!/usr/bin/env python

# Grind Quest v1

#  - Written by Coty R Miller (C) 6/FEB/2018


# This game is basicly a grid simulator... Because YOU LOVE IT!


import random

#from monsters import monsters

#from monsters import monsterStats

#from monsters import MonsterAttacks

#from monsters import monsterItems

#from players import players

#from items import items

class monsterStats():

wubwub = "wubwub"

steaking = "Steaking"

health = {wubwub : 20, steaking : 30}

defense = {wubwub : 0, steaking : 0}

speed = {wubwub : 0, steaking : 2}

attack1Name = {wubwub : "Tackle", steaking : "Tackle"}

attack2Name = {wubwub : "Taunt", steaking : "Swipe"}

class monsters():

list = ["wubwub", "Steaking"]

class monsterStats():

wubwub = "wubwub"

steaking = "Steaking"

health = {wubwub : 20, steaking : 30}

defense = {wubwub : 0, steaking : 0}

speed = {wubwub : 0, steaking : 2}

attack1Name = {wubwub : "Tackle", steaking : "Tackle"}

attack2Name = {wubwub : "Taunt", steaking : "Swipe"}

exp = {wubwub : 15, \

steaking : 20}

class MonsterAttacks():

AttackDMG = {"Tackle" : 5, \

"Taunt" : 1, \

"Swipe" : 6}

AttackMSG = {"Tackle" : "Used Tackle", \

"Taunt" : "Is taunting you with a joke about your mother.", \

"Swipe" : "Swiped yo' face"}

class monsterItems():

carry = {"wubwub" : "Gumdrop", \

"Steaking" : "BakedPotato"}

dropChance = {"wubwub" : 2, \

"Steaking" : 4}

class items():

list = ["Gumdrop", "BakedPotato"]

text = {"Gumdrop" : "Gum drop -- A small candy, restores 10HP and 5PP", \

"BakedPotato" : "Baked Potato -- A crispy looking potato, restores 30HP and 1PP"}

playerInventory = {"Gumdrop" : 1, "BakedPotato" : 0}

itemHeal = {"Gumdrop" : 10, \

"BakedPotato" : 30}

itemPPRestore = {"Gumdrop" : 5, \

"BakedPotato" : 1}

class players():

playerStats = {"Health" : 0 , "Speed" : 0, "Attack" : 0}

monsters = monsters()

monsterStats = monsterStats()

MonsterAttacks = MonsterAttacks()

monsterItems = monsterItems()

players = players()

items = items()

maxHealth = 100

health  = 100

speed   = 1

defense = 1

attack  = 1

level   = 1

exp     = 0

PowerPoints = 5

level2  = 100

level3  = 250

level4  = 500

level5  = 1000

attacks = ["Slash", "Punch"]

attackPower = {"Slash" : 2, "Punch" : 1}

requiresPP = {"Punch" : 0, "Slash" : 1}


# getNumbers()    -- Get's only numbers 1-9, returns an 11 if invalid key is pressed.

# passing "Force Numbers"  > 0 will cause a loop until a real number is given.


def getNumbers(disp, forceNumbers):

b = 11

if(forceNumbers == 0):

a = input(disp)

if(a == "0" or \

a == "1" or \

a == "2" or \

a == "3" or \

a == "4" or \

a == "5" or \

a == "6" or \

a == "7" or \

a == "9"):

b = int(a)


while forceNumbers != 0:

a = input(disp)

if(a == "0" or \

a == "1" or \

a == "2" or \

a == "3" or \

a == "4" or \

a == "5" or \

a == "6" or \

a == "7" or \

a == "9"):

b = int(a)

forceNumbers = 0


print("!!! Enter a valid number !!!")

return b

def giveitems(monster):

itemz = "Nothing"

if 1 == random.randint(1,monsterItems.dropChance[monster]):

itemz = monsterItems.carry[monster]

print(" ")

print(monster, "dropped a", itemz)

print("One", itemz, "added to inventory.")

print(" ")

return itemz

def monsterATK(monster, playerHealth, playerDefense, MHP):

zx = playerHealth

if MHP > 0:

# Attack damage = Defense - (Attack power * Attack multiplier)

Attack = random.randint(1,2)

if Attack == 1:

print(monster, MonsterAttacks.AttackMSG[monsterStats.attack1Name[monster]])

a = MonsterAttacks.AttackDMG[monsterStats.attack1Name[monster]]

b = a-playerDefense

playerHealth = playerHealth-b

elif Attack == 2:

print(monster, MonsterAttacks.AttackMSG[monsterStats.attack2Name[monster]])

a = MonsterAttacks.AttackDMG[monsterStats.attack2Name[monster]]

b = a-playerDefense

playerHealth = playerHealth-b

if playerHealth < 0:

playerHealth = 0

if playerHealth > zx:

playerHealth = zx

playerHealth = playerHealth - 1

print("Your health is now", playerHealth)

return playerHealth

def playerTurn(monsterHealth, monsterDefense, playerAttack, attackList, ATKPWR, plhp, PPE, maxhp):

if  health > 0:

move = 1.  # Allow the player 1 move.

while(move == 1):

print("1. fight")

print("2. Use item")

selection = getNumbers(": ", 1)

# Handle "FIGHT" selection

if(selection == 1):

print("Attack monster with:")

# Print list of attacks.

for i in range(len(attackList)):

# Does it require power points?

if requiresPP[attackList[i]] == 0:

print(i, ":", attackList[i], "0 PP")


print(i, ":", attackList[i], requiresPP[attackList[i]] ,"of", PPE,"/ 5 PP")

sel = getNumbers(": ", 1)


# Check to see if attack request is larger than the array list.

atklst = len(attackList)

if(sel > atklst):

print("~>", sel, " Is not a valid Attack...")


# Attack if no PP/Power Points are needed.

if requiresPP[attackList[sel]] == 0:

# Do the damage...

a = ATKPWR[attackList[sel]]

b = playerAttack * a

b = b-monsterDefense

monsterHealth = monsterHealth-b


# ELSE: We need to make sure we have PP

if PPE >= requiresPP[attackList[sel]]:

a = requiresPP[attackList[sel]]

PPE = PPE - a

# Do the damage...

a = ATKPWR[attackList[sel]]

b = playerAttack * a

b = b-monsterDefense

monsterHealth = monsterHealth-b


print(" ")

print("You attempt to attack, but find you don't have the power...")

print(" ")

# Print damage done

if monsterHealth < 0:

monsterHealth = 0

print("Monster health is now", monsterHealth)

move = 0 # no more moves are left.


# Handle "USE ITEM" selection

if(selection == 2):

print("Items in inventory...")

avalableItems = []

for i in range(len(items.list)):

if(items.playerInventory[items.list[i]] != 0):


if(len(avalableItems) > 0):

for i in range(len(avalableItems)):

print(i, "-", items.text[avalableItems[i]])

print(" ")

sel = getNumbers("Use: ", 1)

if(sel <= len(avalableItems)):

d = items.playerInventory[items.list[sel]]

d = d - 1

items.playerInventory[items.list[sel]] = d

# Increse Health Points

e = items.itemHeal[avalableItems[sel]]

plhp = plhp + e

if plhp > maxhp:

plhp = maxhp


# Increase Power points.

e = items.itemPPRestore[avalableItems[sel]]

PPE = PPE + e

if PPE > 5:

PPE = 5

move = 0 # no more moves are left.

print("Health increased by: ", items.itemHeal[avalableItems[sel]])

print("Your health is now", plhp)

return monsterHealth, plhp, PPE

def battle(monster, playerHealth, xp, PPE, maxhp):

print("A", monster, "apeard.")


# Attack damage = Defense - (Attack power * Attack multiplier)

MHP = monsterStats.health[monster]

MDE = monsterStats.defense[monster]

MSD = monsterStats.speed[monster]

while(playerHealth > 1 and MHP > 1):

if speed > monsterStats.speed[monster]:

MHP, playerHealth, PPE = playerTurn(MHP, MDE, attack, attacks, attackPower, playerHealth, PPE, maxhp)

playerHealth = monsterATK(monster, playerHealth, defense, MHP)

elif monsterStats.speed[monster] > speed:

playerHealth = monsterATK(monster, playerHealth, defense, MHP)

MHP, playerHealth, PPE = playerTurn(MHP, MDE, attack, attacks, attackPower, playerHealth, PPE, maxhp)


WhoAttacksFirst = random.randint(1,2)

if WhoAttacksFirst == 1:

MHP, playerHealth, PPE = playerTurn(MHP, MDE, attack, attacks, attackPower, playerHealth, PPE, maxhp)

playerHealth = monsterATK(monster, playerHealth, defense, MHP)


playerHealth = monsterATK(monster, playerHealth, defense, MHP)

MHP, playerHealth, PPE = playerTurn(MHP, MDE, attack, attacks, attackPower, playerHealth, PPE, maxhp)

# If player is Okay and monster is dead, deliver EXP.

if MHP < 1 and playerHealth > 1:

xp = xp + monsterStats.exp[monster]

return playerHealth, xp, PPE

def adjustSkillPoints(points, maxHP, spd, dff, atk):

while points > 0:

print("Pick a stat to use 1 of your", points, "point(s) on.")

print(" ")

print("1. Max health", maxHP)

print("2. speed     ", spd)

print("3. Defense   ", dff)

print("4. Attack    ", atk)

a = input(":")

if a == "1":

points = points - 1

maxHP = maxHP + 1

print("1 Skill point added to ''Max Health''")

elif a == "2":

points = points - 1

spd = spd + 1

print("1 Skill point added to ''Speed''")

elif a == "3":

points = points - 1

dff = dff + 1

print("1 Skill point added to ''Defense''")

elif a == "4":

points = points - 1

atk = atk + 1

print("1 Skill point added to ''Attack''")


print("! ! ! Choose a valid Stat ! ! !")

return maxHP, spd, dff, atk

def printStatUp(maxHP, hp, spd, dff, atk):

print("1. Max health", maxHP,"+10")

print("2. speed     ", spd, "+1")

print("3. Defense   ", dff, "+1")

print("4. Attack    ", atk, "+1")

maxHP = maxHP + 10

hp = hp + 10

spd = spd + 1

dff = dff + 1

atk = atk + 1

return maxHP, hp, spd, dff, atk

def levelup(exp0, lvl, maxHP, spd, dff, atk, hp):

level2  = 100

level3  = 250

level4  = 500

level5  = 1000

if exp0 > level2 and lvl < 2:

print("You've leveled up to level 2.")

maxHP, hp, spd, dff, atk = printStatUp(maxHP, hp, spd, dff, atk)

adjustSkillPoints(1, maxHP, spd, dff, atk)

lvl = 2

if exp0 > level3 and lvl < 3:

print("You've leveled up to level 3.")

maxHP, hp, spd, dff, atk = printStatUp(maxHP, hp, spd, dff, atk)

adjustSkillPoints(1, maxHP, spd, dff, atk)

lvl = 3

if exp0 > level4 and lvl < 4:

print("You've leveled up to level 4.")

maxHP, hp, spd, dff, atk = printStatUp(maxHP, hp, spd, dff, atk)

adjustSkillPoints(1, maxHP, spd, dff, atk)

lvl = 4

if exp0 > level5 and lvl < 5:

print("You've leveled up to level 5.")

maxHP, hp, spd, dff, atk = printStatUp(maxHP, hp, spd, dff, atk)

adjustSkillPoints(1, maxHP, spd, dff, atk)

lvl = 5

return lvl, maxHP, spd, dff, atk, hp

def printSoftSeperator():

print("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ")

def printSeperator():


def printHardSeperator():


print("Ready to play Grind quest!?")

yn = input("[y/n]: ")

if yn == "y":


# Allow player to adjust their initial skil points.

checkPoints = 1

while checkPoints != 0:

maxHealth, speed, defense, attack = adjustSkillPoints(3, maxHealth, speed, defense, attack)

health = maxHealth


print("1. Max health", maxHealth)

print("2. speed     ", speed)

print("3. Defense   ", defense)

print("4. Attack    ", attack)

print(" ")

print("Are these stats okay?")

checkInput = input("[y/n]: ")

if checkInput == "y":

checkPoints = 0

# reset all skill points if anything other than "y" is pressed:


maxHealth = 100

health  = 100

speed   = 1

defense = 1

attack  = 1


monstersKilled = 1

health, exp, PowerPoints = battle("wubwub", health, exp, PowerPoints, maxHealth)

# Check if the player recieves an item

a = giveitems("wubwub")

if a != "Nothing":

b = items.playerInventory[a]

b = b + 1

items.playerInventory[a] = b

# Continue grind quest until hero dies.

while health > 1:


# Randomly pick a battle

monster = monsters.list[random.randint(0, len(monsters.list)-1)]

# Put the monster into battle

health, exp, PowerPoints = battle(monster, health, exp, PowerPoints, maxHealth)

# Before we treat player to any level ups or items, ensure player is alive.

if health > 1:

# Check if the player recieves an item

a = giveitems(monster)

if a != "Nothing":

b = items.playerInventory[a]

b = b + 1

items.playerInventory[a] = b

# Check if the player leveled up.

level, maxHealth, speed, defense, attack, health = levelup(exp, level, maxHealth, speed, defense, attack, health)

monstersKilled = monstersKilled + 1


print("You have died.")

print("Total monsters defeated:", monstersKilled)

print(" ")

print("Final stats:")

print("level     ", level)

print("Max health", maxHealth)

print("speed     ", speed)

print("Defense   ", defense)

print("Attack    ", attack)

print("EXP.......", exp)


print("Good bye!")