// File.swift
// copywrite by Coty Ryan Miller on 10/5/17.
// v0.1.2b
import Foundation
var playGame = true // set to false on exit.
var HealthPoints = 40 // Start with 40HP
let maxHealthPoints = 80 // Max HP is 80.
var causeOfDeath = 0
// CurrentRoomNumber will let us check what room we are in to find what
// options we have in the room as well as the dungeon text to display.
var currentRoomNumber = 1
let actions: [String:Int] = ["look":1,
"go":2, // Best part of using dictionaries is the actions
"walk":2, // "go" and "walk" can easaly be treated as the same.
"take":5, // See?
"pick up":5, // We did it again! ;-)
"check pockets":7,
"talk to":9
let directions: [String:Int] = ["north":1,
"west": 4,
"up": 5,
"down": 6]
// An array for all known items names to check the "itemLocation"
// Dictionary.
let allItems: [String] = ["sand",
// Item location, ie: if "Cypher":6, then the cypher is in room 6.
// But if cypher is 0, then it's in the invintory.
// 0xFFFFFF01 - 0xFFFFFFFF is reserved for characters to give items.
var itemLocation: [String:Int] = ["cypher":6,
let stringAteSand = "You ate the sand, your mouth is now very dry."
let StringLookUp0 = "You Look up and see "
let whatsUp0 = "Darkness"
let whatsUp1 = "A beutiful sky with some birds."
let stringLookDown0 = "You look down to see your feet "
let stringLookDown1 = stringLookDown0 + " and a mysterious object"
let ColoredBlock = "█"
let ShadedBlock = "░"
//var items: [String:Int] = ["sand":1] // You start out with just sand in your pocket...
// Imma use room six as an example for how items work here.
// If we pick up the cypher from room six then we remove data
// from the string "roomSixItems" so that the name no longer anounces
// that there is an item there. We will then set have "haveCypher" to
// "true" so that it apears in the invintory.
let DungeonText: [Int:String] = [
0:"Man you evil.",
1:"You stand in a feild surrounded by trees. To the west is a bridge leading over the river. To the north stands a shanty shack and to your east stands a crazed looking man.",
2:"You stand on a bridge. To the east is a small island, to your west lies the mainland.",
3:"A man to your north sits quietly under a tree. To your west lies is a suspicious looking tunel, to your east stands a rickety bridge.",
4:"A man shouting 'THE LOSER DEFEATED THE WUB WUB' in dancing to the west, to your north lies a an earie tunnel, to your east lies a bridge.",
5:"You stand in a dark tunnel, a bright light shines from your south and a dim light to your north.",
6:"You are in a dark room, to the south you see a tunnel with a bright light. You see light shining through some cracks that make out a faint image of a door to the east. ",
7:"Whoah, budy! Can't let you do that yet!",
8:"You stand within a rickity shack. Sitting on a rug sits a raisin of a man who apears to be in deap meditation. To your south lies a rickety door."
// These lines allow us to keep track of what rooms are North/East/South/west
// of "currentRoomNumber" So we know what text/items to load when user types
// something like "go north"
let whatsNorthOf: [Int:Int] = [1:8, 4:5, 5:6]
let whatsEastOf: [Int:Int] = [4:3, 3:2, 2:1,
let whatsSouthOf: [Int:Int] = [6:5, 5:4, 8:1]
let whatsWestOf: [Int:Int] = [1:2, 2:3, 3:4,
// These 4 vars dictate what (If anything) blocks the players path, and
// defines the item required to pass.
// For example, in the begining the player is stopped from crossing the bridge
// to the west from the island to the main land by a gaurd, this is handled by:
// > var WestIsBlockedOf: [Int:String] = [2:"BroachOfHigz"]
// See also: var PathBlockedText
var NorthIsBlockedOf: [Int:String] = [0xFF:""]
var EastIsBlockedOf: [Int:String] = [0xFF:""]
var SouthIsBlockedOf: [Int:String] = [0xFF:""]
var WestIsBlockedOf: [Int:String] = [2:"BroachOfHigz"]
// If the path is blocked "var PathBlockedText" holds the text descibing that
// the path is blocked.
let PathBlockedText: [Int:String] = [2:"A gaurd blocks your path to the west..."]
let CharactersToGive: [Int:String] = [8:"BroachOfHigz" // Character in room 8 gives "BroachOfHigz"
] // Also see "let CharactersToGiveIf"
* Charachter chats
let OriginChar: [Int:String] = [1:"efwihu efgrsu ewio haefguw enyrtu ekunrwagiqul!?",
2:"I have been instruction to not let anyone pass onto the main land without the BroachOfHigz. It is the law; and the law is my job!",
8:"In order to cross the bridge onto the main land, you'll need this."
let CharecterDesciption: [Int:String] = [
1:"A crazed looking man speaking jibberish stand to your east.",
8:"sitting on a rug sits a raisin of a man who apears to be in deap meditation. To your south lies a rickety door."
// Char Item Flag dictates that if an item is present in the players
// inventory, then instead of displaying the 'OriginChar' message we will
// Display the 'OptionChar' message instead.
// In the case of the "crazed man" in the begining, if the player is equiped
// with a cypher he will be abvle to understand him.
let CharItemFlag: [Int:String] = [1:"cypher", 8:"BroachOfHigz"]
let OptionChar: [Int:String] = [1:"Aha! I see you have found my cypher! Exelent! People think I'm crazy, but really I just speak a different language! Ahaha! Ah yes, anyway, since you have found my cypher take this as a gift!",
8:"I wish you safe travels my son."]
let CharactersToGiveIf: [Int:String] = [1:"sword"]
* Battle Screen Handler
var battleMap: [Int:Bool] = [4:true] // If room number is true, then an
// Un-fought battle resides in that
// room and
// doBattle(RoomNum: currentRoomNumber)
// should be launched.
func doBattle(roomNum: Int)
// An example battle in room 4.
if(roomNum == 4)
print("A crazed wub wub apeared!")
print("Throw sand? ")
print("[yes/no]:", terminator: "")
let wubwub = readLine()!
if wubwub == "yes"
print("You threw sand at the wub wub")
print("The wub wub ran away.")
battleMap[4] = false
HealthPoints = HealthPoints - 40
print("The crazed WubWub WubWubed you and ran off.")
print(" ")
print("The wub wub dealt 40 damage.")
causeOfDeath = 4
* Slow print function, slowly prints a string to emulate the old like
* "DOS" experience thats like retro or whatever.
func SPrint(words: String)
let newWords = Array(words.characters)
let nSize = newWords.count
for i in 1...nSize - 1
print(newWords[i], terminator: "")
usleep(50 * 1000) // sleep for 50 Milliseconds.
* Draw the fancy @$$ dope status bar YOOO!
func drawCountDown(outOf: Int)
if outOf < 80 {
for _ in 1...outOf
print(ColoredBlock, terminator:"")
let outIn = 80 - outOf
for _ in 1...outIn
print(ShadedBlock, terminator:"")
// If the request is to draw 80 or more blocks...
// just draw a solid black bar.
for _ in 1...80
print(ColoredBlock, terminator:"")
* Print a string with blocks at both sides
func printWithBlocks(text: String) {
print(ColoredBlock, terminator:"")
print(text, terminator: "")
// some maths
var maths = text.characters.count
maths = 78 - maths
for _ in 1...maths
print(" ", terminator: "")
* Clear lines/screen function or whatever
func clear(times: Int) {
for _ in 1...times {
print(" ")
* Clear lines/screen function with blocks on both sides
func clearWithBlocks(times: Int) {
for _ in 1...times {
print(ColoredBlock, terminator:"")
for _ in 1...78
print(" ", terminator:"")
* print the cypher key... It's a seperate function because, fuck you.
func printCypherKey()
print(" Z A B")
print(" Y C")
print(" X D")
print(" W E")
print(" V F")
print(" U G")
print(" T @ H")
print(" S I")
print(" R J")
print(" Q K")
print(" P L ")
print(" O N M")
* main loop yo.
clear(times: 24)
print("Your HP is \(HealthPoints)/\(maxHealthPoints)")
print(" ")
while playGame == true
// If current room has an undefeated monster... KILL IT
if(battleMap[currentRoomNumber]==true){doBattle(roomNum: currentRoomNumber)}
// Print Dungeon area desciption...
DungeonText[currentRoomNumber] ?? // diplay room text.
"room# \(currentRoomNumber) in Library is NIL" // Displays if room doesn't exsist.
print(" ")
// Print Items in the room.
var temp0 = allItems.count - 1
repeat {
if(itemLocation[allItems[temp0]] == currentRoomNumber)
print("At your feet you see a shadowy silhouette.")
print(" ")
temp0 = temp0 - 1
} while(temp0 != 0)
// Print if their is a blocked path in some direction...
let Pathib = PathBlockedText[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
if Pathib != ""
let aa = NorthIsBlockedOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
let ab = EastIsBlockedOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
let ac = SouthIsBlockedOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
let ad = WestIsBlockedOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
let ba = itemLocation[aa] ?? 0
let bb = itemLocation[ab] ?? 0
let bc = itemLocation[ac] ?? 0
let bd = itemLocation[ad] ?? 0
if(ba != 0 || bb != 0 || bc != 0 || bd != 0)
// Print Player HealthPoints
print(" ")
print(": ", terminator:"")
var inputBuffer0 = readLine()!
// Handle "look"
if(actions[inputBuffer0] == 1)
print("Look at what?")
print(" ")
print(": ", terminator:"")
var inputBuffer1 = readLine()!
if(inputBuffer1 == allItems[0])
print("You take the sand out of your pocket and run it's course grain through your fingers")
print(" ")
if(inputBuffer1 == allItems[1])
if(itemLocation["cypher"] == 0){printCypherKey()}
// Handle "go"
if(actions[inputBuffer0] == 2)
print("Go where?")
print(" ")
print(": ", terminator:"")
var inputBuffer1 = readLine()!
let roomBackUp = currentRoomNumber // save the room number incase
// we get an invalid request.
// Handle go north
if(directions[inputBuffer1] == 1)
let NiBo = NorthIsBlockedOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
if NiBo == "" // if NiBo == "", then path is not blocked
// load desired room number for North into the current room number
// Register.
currentRoomNumber = whatsNorthOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? 0
let PiBT = PathBlockedText[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
if PiBT == "" // Verrify PiBT is not empty... and warn dev tester
// if it is.
print("!: Path block text must be set!")
// Check to see if the player has required item to pass in
// their inventory.
if itemLocation[NiBo] == 0
currentRoomNumber = whatsNorthOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? 0
// If not... Rub it in their face!
// Handle go East
if(directions[inputBuffer1] == 2)
let EiBo = EastIsBlockedOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
if EiBo == "" // if EiBo == "", then path is not blocked
// load desired room number for East into the current room number
// Register.
currentRoomNumber = whatsEastOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? 0
let PiBT = PathBlockedText[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
if PiBT == ""
print("!: Path block text must be set!")
// Check to see if the player has required item to pass in
// their inventory.
if itemLocation[EiBo] == 0
currentRoomNumber = whatsEastOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? 0
// If not... Rub it in their face!
// Handle go South
if(directions[inputBuffer1] == 3)
let SiBo = SouthIsBlockedOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
if SiBo == "" // Is path blocked?
// load desired room number for South into the current room number
// Register.
currentRoomNumber = whatsSouthOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? 0
let PiBT = PathBlockedText[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
if PiBT == ""
print("!: Path block text must be set!")
// Check to see if the player has required item to pass in
// their inventory.
if itemLocation[SiBo] == 0
currentRoomNumber = whatsSouthOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? 0
// If not... Rub it in their face!
// Handle go West.
if(directions[inputBuffer1] == 4)
let WiBo = WestIsBlockedOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
if WiBo == "" // Is path blocked?
// load desired room number for West into the current room number
// Register.
currentRoomNumber = whatsWestOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? 0
let PiBT = PathBlockedText[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
if PiBT == ""
print("!: Path block text must be set!")
// Check to see if the player has required item to pass in
// their inventory.
if itemLocation[WiBo] == 0
currentRoomNumber = whatsWestOf[currentRoomNumber] ?? 0
// If not... Rub it in their face!
// Temporary handlers for go up/down...
if(directions[inputBuffer1] == 5){print("You jumped, but nothing happened...")}
if(directions[inputBuffer1] == 6){print("You layed down, but nothing happened...")}
// If the "currentRoomNumber" is 0 then we have an invalid
// request. So let the player know and restore
// "currentRoomNumber" from "roomBackUp"
if currentRoomNumber == 0
print("You cannot transverse that direction")
currentRoomNumber = roomBackUp
causeOfDeath = 0
if(actions[inputBuffer0] == 3)
print("Cannot go Use Things yet...")
// Throw Item Handler
if(actions[inputBuffer0] == 4)
print("Throw what?")
print(" ")
print(": ", terminator:"")
var inputBuffer1 = readLine()!
if inputBuffer1 == "sand" {print("You threw sand and watched it scatter.")}
print(" ")
var temp0 = allItems.count - 1
repeat {
if(itemLocation[allItems[temp0]] == 0)
if inputBuffer1 == allItems[temp0]
print(" ")
print("You tossed " + inputBuffer1)
print(" ")
// Place the item on the floor of current room.
itemLocation[allItems[temp0]] = currentRoomNumber
temp0 = temp0 - 1
} while(temp0 != 0)
// Pick up item handler.
if(actions[inputBuffer0] == 5)
// check if there is an item in the room
var temp1 = allItems.count - 1
var itemInRoom = " "
repeat {
if(itemLocation[allItems[temp1]] == currentRoomNumber)
print("You pick up a, "
+ allItems[temp1]
+ " and place it in your pocket."
print(" ")
itemLocation[allItems[temp1]] = 0
temp1 = temp1 - 1
} while(temp1 != 0)
// Food Handler
if(actions[inputBuffer0] == 6)
print("Eat what?")
print(" ")
print(": ", terminator:"")
var inputBuffer1 = readLine()!
if(inputBuffer1 == "sand")
print(" ")
print("You lost 10 HP")
HealthPoints = HealthPoints - 10
causeOfDeath = 1
// check pockets action (TODO: make less sloppy)
if(actions[inputBuffer0] == 7)
print("You check your pockets to find:")
if(itemLocation["cypher"] == 0){print("Cypher Key")}
if(itemLocation["sword"] == 0){print("Basic Sword")}
print(" ")
// Talk command
// CharactersToGive
if(actions[inputBuffer0] == 8 || actions[inputBuffer0] == 9)
if(actions[inputBuffer0] == 8 )
// Get required Item for character change of status.
let _CIF = CharItemFlag[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
// Get location of afformentioned item
let _iL = itemLocation[_CIF] ?? 0xFF
// If _iL is 0 then the item is in the players inventory.
if(_iL == 0)
print(OptionChar[currentRoomNumber] ?? "wut")
// Check if there is an item to give the charecter during
// the optional Charecter State.
// CharactersToGiveIf
let itemB = CharactersToGiveIf[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
if itemB != ""
let checkInv = itemLocation[itemB]
if checkInv != 0
print("You recieved ", itemB)
itemLocation[itemB] = 0
} else {
OriginChar[currentRoomNumber] ?? // diplay room text.
// Displays if room doesn't exsist.
"You talk outload... There is no one around to here you."
let itemB = CharactersToGive[currentRoomNumber] ?? ""
if itemB != ""
let checkInv = itemLocation[itemB]
if checkInv != 0
print("You recieved ", itemB)
itemLocation[itemB] = 0
print("Talk to whom?")
// Handle player death
if HealthPoints <= 0
print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You have died~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
print(" ")
print("Cause of death:")
print(" ")
if(causeOfDeath==0){print(" - Unknown.")}
if(causeOfDeath==1){print(" - Sheer stupidity.")}
if(causeOfDeath==2){print(" - Killed by troll.")}
if(causeOfDeath==3){print(" - Burned Alive.")}
if(causeOfDeath==4){print(" - Killed by a WubWub.")}
print(" ")
playGame = false
//drawCountDown(outOf: 80)
//printWithBlocks(text: " Hello World")
//clearWithBlocks(times: 21)
//drawCountDown(outOf: 40)
//playGame = false